We are drowning in information but starved for knowledge.

General Course Registration Information

Course Registration

All courses require prepayment, by credit card or check. If paying by check, print your order confirmation and mail it along with your check, made payable to The Koogler Group, to 8520 49th Street North, PMB 250, Pinellas Park, FL 33781.

Transfer and Cancellation Fees

Notice Received Prior to First Day of Class Transfer Fee * Cancellation Fee *
30 + days 25% 50%
8 to 29 days 50% 75%
7 days or less 75% Forfeit fee

* Percentage of course fee

  • Requests for transfer or cancellation MUST be in writing and e-mailed to karenkoogler@kooglergroup.com.
  • In the event of an emergency (e.g., hurricane or pandemic), which requires postponement of a scheduled class, students will be automatically transferred to the next session of the class [no transfer fee] or may choose another class session within one year of the postponed class [no transfer fee]. You will receive an automated response at time of purchase as well as a follow-up Course Confirmation via email showing course date, location, and important information regarding textbook and classroom conduct.
  • You will receive an automated response at time of purchase as well as a follow-up Course Confirmation via email showing course date, location, and important information regarding textbook and classroom conduct.
  • When a course is full, no further registrations will be accepted. You are encouraged to register early to ensure a seat in the class of your choice. We do not maintain waiting lists for fully-booked courses. If a course is full, please book the next session of your choosing.

At-A-Glance Prelicensing and Certification Courses—Instructor and Textbook Information

State Type/Duration Provider/Registration Instructor Textbook Author
Alabama Alabama Title Insurance Agent Program (Two Options) The Koogler Group, LLC Karen Koogler Alabama Study Manual for Title Insurance Koogler
Florida Classroom 40-Hour Prelicensing The Koogler Group, LLC Karen Koogler Florida Study Manual for Title Insurance Koogler
Licensing and Certification Assessment Training (LCAT) Series…
Multi-State Licensing Preparation The Koogler Group, LLC Karen Koogler Multi-State Manual for Title Insurance Koogler
Multi-State Certification-Level / Self-Study The Koogler Group, LLC Karen Koogler Multi-State Study Manual for Closing Agents [Textbook/Online Exam Prep] Koogler
Multi-State Certification-Level / Self-Study The Koogler Group, LLC Karen Koogler Multi-State Manual for Title Examiners Koogler

Florida Prelicensing Course—Private Onsite Sessions

Private Onsite Sessions of the Florida 40-Hour Prelicensing Course are provided, subject to instructor availability. Those booking an onsite session are responsible for meeting minimum course attendance requirements or payment of the fee in full, if less than minimum attendance is achieved. Those booking an onsite session are also responsible for furnishing acceptable meeting room facilities.

Course Type Minimum Attendance / Fee
Florida 40-Hour Prelicensing Course 15 people / $7,200

Payment of the minimum non-refundable fee is due upon booking. If the number of attendees exceeds the minimum, the balance due, based on per-person tuition rates, will be collected on or before the first day of class. To book a private onsite session, please contact karenkoogler@kooglergroup.com.

Textbooks and Online Exam Prep Products

ALABAMA: The Alabama Study Manual for Title Insurance is included in the Tuition cost for BOTH Program Options. The Alabama Online Exam-Prep Component is included in the Tuition cost for the Self-Study Program option only.

FLORIDA: The Florida Study Manual for Title Insurance [required] and the Florida Title Insurance Exam Prep product [optional] are NOT included in the Tuition cost. Both may be purchased online at https://www.kooglergroup.com.